
huangp1489 33 0
  1. 出名的体育赛事有什么?如何打造一款可以成功获利的赛事IP产品?
  2. 校园内的物流活动有哪些?
  3. 一款新酒怎样才能打入市场呢?
  4. 怎么写好留学文书的活动规划部分?


















一、前奏--市场调研  策划进行了细致的市场调查:  1、确定了目标群体,即把目标群体定位于对中国酒感兴趣的企业老总。  2、掌握目标群体的需求,预测发展趋势;  二、造势--对产品进行定位,对部分目标客户进行有针对性的试销。  1、产品定位于高价、高档次;  2、***生产,且进行编号,突出其不平常;  3、利用圣诞节这个西方传统节日,通过邮寄贺卡的渠道向几百知名企业老总进行直销,并与其中的一百多名达成交易。  4、新酒,又来自中国,抓住消费者好奇心理。  三、借势--借广交会建立渠道  1、利用广交会这个机会,提升影响力;  2、在营业推广中,用一百多名老总的回信,把批发商拉了过来,建立了自己的营销渠道;  四、顺势--积极促销,打开市场  1、又用一百多名老总的回信,作为促销工具;  2、利用了人的跟从心理,以及潮流文化的特征,占领一百多名企业老总的制高点,促进了销售

1 运气好的话做出来一个惊天地泣鬼神的文案,比如江小白。酒并没有多好喝,靠一系列的文案占了大片的市场。

2 靠有特色的包装,比如前一段的茶杯酒,里边加点特色料。

3 靠差异化的卖点,比如养生美容,补肾壮阳之类的。

4 最难的就是靠着过硬的质量,良好的品质,积累起良好的口碑。其他的三种都是赚一批快钱,火的了一时,火不了一世。只有实打实的做产品,靠质量求生存。


















范例一:Not satisfied with merely following the curriculum study, I chose to practice my mathematical skills and well-rounded competence in a wide range of academic contests and student activities. I progressively signed up in the Challenge Cup Academic Thesis Contest, National Mathematical Modeling Contest for Undergraduate Student, CUFE Financial Asset Planning competition, and the MCM organized by COMAP from 2015 to 2017. In these activities, I collaborated with different teams, and enjoyed acting as the problem solver in each of them. All scenarios and cases I touched in these contests are highly practical, which extended my theoretical understanding in college learning, and granted me more opportunities to use models and data skills to solve more real-world problems. Worth mentioning, I satisfyingly fulfilled my leader role in three of these contests, exceling in tasks including developing research frameworks and organizing resources. Apart from engaging in these activities, I h***e been dedicated in my interests in reading, sports (power lifting and street workout), Chinese chess, and crosstalk performance. Although the double degree study and participation in these activities can be time consuming and exhausting, I managed to strive for my optimal balance and enriched student life.


范例二:Embracing the international experience and resources from the two universities, I h***e been able to diversify my study in an ideal way. I particularly devoted time and efforts to sharpen my skills and vision in business problem solving. In May 2017, I h***e worked with two students at Jilin University to participate in the Innovative Entrepreneurial Program for National Undergraduate Students, one of the most recognized business competitions in China. We selected an intriguing topic on the invisible cost’s influence on corporate’s performance in the fields of profitability, growth pace, and HRM control. Although I was a ‘remote participant’ in the first half of the event, I tried my best to cope with the time differences, and took initiative and organized productive discussions in regard of research framework development, quantitative methodology selection, and task arrangement etc. In the first few days, I h***e accomplished the project planning, as well as sufficient reviews of invisible cost studies for American enterprises, developing the reasonable parameters for the team. Thus, after flying back to China, I was able to lead my team to achieve satisfying productivity. On the basis of risk management theories of modern enterprises, our research developed an innovative statistical model for monitoring the dynamics of invisible costs, and evaluating their influences in different stages of enterprise life cycle. Such a model was examined with cases and business data of dozens of enterprises. This rigorous research experience sharpened my skills of ***yzing and reacting to enterprise risks, and reinforced my desire to engage in this domain. I wish to advance my study in United States, and prepare myself for a challenging career in risk management.




范例:With this ever-growing passion, I participated in a student research project in which big data was used in ***yzing the sources, nature and evaluation of financial and economic risks in supply chain. Our research, A Study on the application Effects of Supply Chain Finance in China, won the ***roval to be established as a National Undergraduate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and received a seed fund of 8,000 Yuan. I visited a number of enterprises as our research objects, including Ping An Bank, Shenzhen Airmate Company, Guangzhou BFE Group, and so on, to discuss with executives about issues related to supply chain finance and to understand not only the ***lication of supply chain finance in different corporations, but its economic impacts. I was responsible for using tools like Excel and SPSS in ***yzing data collected from questionnaires filled by suppliers and distributors, and writing research ***ysis report. After one year’s sustained efforts, my teammates and I succeeded in passing a series of strict selections and completing our project.




范例:It was my interests in data ***ytics that drove me to further explore its values in various extracurricular activities. I h***e signed up in the SYSU Information Search and ***ysis Competition, and the SYSU Public Governance Data ***ysis Competition, and was recruited in the research team of Professor Chen Minghong to participate in the research Co-word ***ysis-based ***ysis on Research Hotspots on Mobile Library in China. In all these activities I worked in different team settings to examine the efficiency of ***ytics in drawing insightful and valuable conclusions. I h***e experienced tasks including extracting online information and data with Gooseeker, conducting the mathematical models for ***yzing the optimal distribution of medical facilities, using popular search engines and database to spot possible solutions for complex social problems etc. I particularly enjoyed the experience in Professor Chen’s research, in which I deeply engaged in the entire research process. To discover research trends and hotspots on mobile library, I fulfilled tasks in spotting high-frequency keywords of papers, constructing keyword co-occurrence matrix (with BICOMB), and conducting clustering ***ysis, strategic diagram and social network ***ysis with SPSS and Ucinet. I consider that these activities effectively extend my theoretical knowledge and skills to a more practical level, sustaining me to pursue higher education and a promising future career in business ***ytics.




范例:Outside the lecture room, I h***e pondered over how the business operations can innovate with technology and ***ytics. I stretched my thinking on the basis of my personal experience and understanding of new business models. For instance, as the PR Director of SZU Volunteer Federation (Children Care Division), I h***e developed an idea to develop a medical database of autistic children to better follow their growth and provide necessary help in their different life stages. Additionally, I also paid attention to new business forms like self-service supermarket (based on the internet of things and online-payment technologies) and shared bicycle rental ***s, as well as the great business potential they can lead to. The brain activities in these processes are fulfilling and stimulate me to conduct further exploration in higher level education.




范例:Without any hesitation, I became a volunteer teacher at Vibrant Community. For the past three years, the experience has certainly built up my passion for education. I always enjoyed preparing each class, including how I could draw my students’ attention and what questions they might raise. Meanwhile, I kept track of the children’s progress and compliment on their achievements even if it was a ***all improvement. Specially, the volunteer teachers would h***e a group meeting after class. We would share the progress of our class and identify any problems in regards of class discipline. Though most of us were not professional educators, we were excited every time we were able to provide breakthrough solutions and tips on how to improve our class. I realized that this profession required not only theoretical and practical knowledge, but attention to detail and careful observations are both essential in teaching.



标签: 申请者 经历 课外活动